Many business people are worried about being audited by the IRS. There is a reason for their concern, as some businesses have found that they owe significantly more than they would expect.
If you’re in the position where you disagree with the results of an IRS audit, you may have been told that you have the right to appeal. If so, it’s a good idea to get help from a tax attorney in Los Angeles.
Sound Legal Advice
Hillhursttaxgroup.com has experienced lawyers who can provide guidance with your appeal. They’ve helped many businesses that that are not in agreement with the statements made by IRS officials.
They can help you to navigate challenging audit appeals. While doing so they will ensure that you and your business remain within the boundaries of the law.
Pay What You Really Owe
If you think that the results of an IRS audit are erroneous, you could be facing a perceived overpayment that’s quite significant. This could affect your cash flow and perhaps even result in significant financial damage to your business.
If you’re convinced that you don’t owe what the audit says you do, tax lawyers can help you to prove your case. They’ve assisted many other businesses in your position across California and no matter how large or small your company may be, they can prevent you from paying more than you really owe.
Maximize your Right to Appeal
After you receive documentation stating that you have the right to appeal, it may give you hope. However, you may be unsure of how to proceed.
In that case, an experienced tax lawyer can discuss strategies with you based on their knowledge of the law. With their help, you’ll pursue options that are beneficial for businesses of your size, in your sector and with other features that are unique to you.
Can the IRS be incorrect?
While that doesn’t often happen, the IRS can sometimes be incorrect. A decision can be made that is based on an incorrect interpretation of the law.
However, because most entrepreneurs are experts in their field and not in tax law, they may not be aware of that. Tax lawyers know the laws that apply specifically in the state of California and they can detect errors quickly.
The IRS may have also come to a faulty decision because they did not have all the facts related to your business. In that case providing them with more information would result in a more affordable level of taxation for you.